Corporate Taxes

Corporate Tax Filings

Corporate tax entails strategic planning to ensure the organization maximizes its profit and minimizes tax liability. At Kimti Tax & Accounting we develop a comprehensive plan that understands your business needs to fit your unique situation. All tax planning is completed within all tax laws and regulations to ensure your corporation is complying with CRA requirements.

Our tax planning effectively addresses a number of aspects of your business including the following:

  • Determining salary vs dividends

  • Income splitting options

  • Optimal corporate structures

  • Shareholder’s loans & more!

We provide full support if you receive any CRA communications or audits on your taxes. We will guide you through the whole process and prepare a comprehensive response to CRA in order to mitigate repeat requests.

Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Filings

If you are a business in Canada providing taxable goods and/or services, earning revenue of $30,000 or more, you must file HST returns. We can help you register and file your HST return, to ensure CRA guidelines are met in a timely manner to avoid penalties. In addition, certain businesses are required to register for HST and file yearly HST returns, regardless of their revenues.

We can help with the following:

  • Identify whether you need to register and collect HST

  • Identify potentially exempt items from HST

  • File your HST return to CRA before the deadline