Personal Taxes

Personal Tax Filings

Personal tax filings may be straightforward to file in some individual situations, however, it could be complex for other individuals. A great degree of professionalism and judgement is required to minimize your taxes payable. We make it easier for our clients by explaining their specific tax situation so they can make informed decisions, save money and minimize their taxes payable.

Our professionals provide custom services to each of our clients. We understand and analyze the family unit and individual circumstances before we provide guidance to our clients to ensure minimal tax liability. We look into each and every possible deduction and credit that can reduce your taxes significantly. We review previous year taxes at free of cost to ensure you have been taking advantage of all the tax credits based on your personal and family situation. Fees are only charged if there are any benefits derived from making changes to prior-year taxes. We provide further tax planning advice for future years, so our clients can make better decisions. Our clients range from individuals with the following various income sources: employment income, rental income, capital gains, income from sole proprietorship and/or partnerships. Additionally, we file taxes via e-file to expedite your tax refund.

We provide full support to our clients if you receive any CRA communications or audits on your tax filings. We guide you through the whole process and prepare a comprehensive response to CRA so they can be satisfied at the first response and there are no repeat requests from CRA.